Corporate governance is the system of rules and standards that essentially involves balancing the interests of a company’s management, shareholders and other associated parties. Our corporate governance is a reflection of our value system encompassing our objectives, policies, and relationships with our stakeholders. We are committed to defining, following and practicing the highest level of corporate governance across all our business functions. Integrity and transparency are key to our corporate governance practices and performance and ensure that we serve and protect the interests of our stakeholders.



& REGULATIONS                   


Arkan adopts clear, appropriate and coherent set of policies to conduct its activities with integrity in compliance with the highest legal and ethical standards that conform with the principles of Islamic Sharia.

These policies represent the guidelines of the employees to perform all functions at the highest level, a matter that requires performing in a way that positively reflects our image.

Arkan ‘s policies have been carefully strategized and have become applicable and developed by all employees. Among which are: the policy of evaluating the performance of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management, the policy pertaining Board of Directors membership criteria, rules and ethics of professional conduct policy, efficiency and integrity policy as well as the bonuses policy.

Furthermore, Arkan approves an assortment of principles including conflict of interest, social responsibility, privacy statement and confidentiality, as well as transparent disclosure and external auditing policies.



& CONDUCT     


Our staff is in charge of performing their work to the maximum of their abilities and capabilities, to act in a manner that reflects the image and reputation of the Company in a professional manner. The objective of the code of ethics and professional conduct policy is to:

Promote professional and ethical conduct, maintain an institutional atmosphere that preserves the value, integrity and self-respect of each, ensure compliance with the laws, rules and regulations governing the activities and operations of the Company and guarantee optimum utilization of the Company’s assets.

The rules and ethics of conduct outline the necessary standards governing the actions of our staff members and the parties with whom we interact. In essence, these rules aim to ensure that the Company’s vision is maintained as an institution committed to high standards of integrity in all its transactions, internally and externally.





Arkan is devoted to the highest standards of quality management systems under the umbrella of ISO 9001, specifically the ISO 9001: 2015 standards, issued and maintained by the International Organization for Standardization. These standards are subject to modification and updating according to the requirements agreed upon internationally and to the technological and knowledge development. This often creates advantages such as: developing more efficient and effective processes, increasing customer satisfaction and retention, promoting marketing, improving and cultivating staff performance, raising awareness, and enhancing professional proficiency.



Arkan respects and always affirms its commitment to protect the rights of its stakeholders in harmony with the laws of the State of Kuwait, the State’s regulatory bodies and the Company’s internal policy and its applicable bylaws.



Shareholders seek to raise the value of their investments and contributions and receive a fair return. Arkan’s management takes aims to ensure that the shareholders’ equity is well-preserved, and their profits are maximized.

Arkan is practicing compliance with all the laws of the State of Kuwait, all the provisions of the State’s regulatory bodies, the principles of compliance policy and corporate governance and its internal policies to guarantee their rights without any conflict of interests between the shareholders and the managers of the Company. This allows investors to build trust in the Company’s policies and regulations, fully aware that their interests are in safe hands.





Our social responsibility concept is to contribute to the sustainable development of society by backing up government efforts, contributing to Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), Zakat, supporting small enterprise development, allocating funds for charitable investments and endorsing Kuwaiti youth projects. We take into account our vital role in improving the living, social and economic conditions of the workforce of our Company